I once worked with a man who was unteachable. He was outgoing, friendly and smart. He had a lot of friends and had come from a good family. Nobody would look at him and immediately think to themselves, “He isn’t teachable.” After working with him for a few months, I realized he didn’t listen to other people’s ideas, thoughts or opinions; even when they were clearly more experienced and knowledgeable in a particular area. He believed he knew best. Unfortunately, unteachable people tend to live their lives in tremendous ignorance. They cripple their own personal growth and don’t even know it. 

A teachable person, in contrast, is setup for success in life and leadership. They exhibit the humility to solicit and receive feedback from the world around them. They learn from their mistakes. They listen to advice. Most importantly, they grow. 


1. Willing to receive instruction.

I’ve taught a college-level class on leadership for several years. It doesn’t take long to discover who will learn from me and who will not. There is a certain focus, attention and general “leaning in” with those who want to learn. They tend to pull out of me everything I have on a topic, even if I wasn’t planning on sharing it all. They are learners. They listen to and receive instruction. 

2. Values others’ opinions.

A few days before a presidential election I spoke with a man at church who was very upset. He had wanted to engage in meaningful conversation with his friends about who he should vote for and believed he had some interesting thoughts on why a particular candidate was a good fit. Unfortunately, he felt like everyone he talked to were more interested in expressing why he was wrong than in whether he had anything good to say. Teachable people are willing to listen to what other people have to say AND value their opinions, even if they don’t agree with them.

3. Receives Correction.

Two of my sons had a big fight with one another. Nothing too physical, but lots of hurtful words. Afterward, I sat in the bedroom of one of the boys and talked about anger. We discussed his behavior and his responses during the fight. The conversation began with him telling me it was his brother’s fault. It ended with him acknowledging he was wrong. He then went on to tell me what he wanted to do to help himself respond better to hurtful words in the future. I was so proud of him. He showed himself a teachable person that day by receiving the correction I gave him.

4. Seeks Counsel

Over the years my wife and I have spent hundreds of hours talking to mentors and counsellors. When we need to make an important decision, we discuss it with our leaders. When we feel stuck or inadequate to accomplish a task, we seek help from experts. When we find ourselves struggling in our relationships, we read books, listen to podcasts or meet with a counsellor. We recognize we always have so much more to learn and that there are many wise people in the world who will help us do so. Teachable people aren’t afraid to get help, they welcome it!


Teachable Quotes:

“What I believe is that all clear-minded people should remain two things throughout their lifetimes: Curious and teachable.” Roger Ebert

“Teachability is the willingness to learn, unlearn and relearn.” Dave DeSelm

“It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” John Wooden

“The unwilling mind is not a teachable mind.” Ellen Swallow Richards

“Value your listening and reading time at roughly ten times your talking time. This will assure you that you are on a course of continuous learning and self-improvement.” Gerald McGinnis

“As long as you’re green, you’re growing. As soon as you’re ripe, you start to rot.” Ray Kroc

“It is only the ignorant who despise education.” Publilius Syrus, First Century BC, Maxim 571

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” Ken Blanchard

“When people disagree with your ideas, embrace them. They are your antodote to insularity.” Joel Kurtzman

“Just be silent, humble and teachable. If you ever think you know it all, that is the beginning of your troubles.” Israelmore Ayivor

“Coachable people seek out those who speak truth to them, even if it is a painful truth, because it protects them and it makes them a better person and leader.” Gary Rohrmayer

“When someone is doing well, change your mindset from jealousy to curiosity.” Skip Prichard

“Experience teaches only the teachable.” Aldous Huxley

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Published On: March 4th, 2021 / Categories: Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Feedback /